Wednesday, August 26, 2009

God is Big and I am Small

I've had writer's block. No big deal. So, back at it, the headline is as profound as I could get. Also, God is beautiful and I am ugly. God is good and I am not. As John Newton says, "Although my memory is fading, I remember two things quite clearly: I'm a great sinner, and Christ is a great Savior."

There is not anything I know of (besides the Bible) that reminds me of these simple yet profound truths, and keeps them as the central and Spirit-led source of my sanctification, like breathtaking scenic landscape. I thought I would share some with you from my recent trip to Colorado Springs. Sorry that they don't do the actual firsthand view justice.

I am pretty small indeed.

Great reflection of the rock island and trees surrounding the Lost Lake off Cottonwood Pass, just West of Buena Vista, and at about 11,000 feet.

For some reason the dead tree absolutely makes this picture for me. Still working on the spiritual analogy.

This Fourteener (14,000 feet above sea level) was staring us down on the drive out to Lost Lake, and I was scared.

On top of Pikes Peak. The air was dry, thin and brisk, and it was awesome. I tried to take the whole mountain with me, but all I could fit in my carry-on was a small souvenir stone. Not the same.

With friend and fraternity brother Matt Jackson marking our up to the summit via the Cog Railway.

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